Last week we spent the weekend in Logan. We went to help Bryce with the Health Days festival thing that he was in charge of and to get away. It hasnt been since January that we had been to Logan so we thought it was about HIGH time we get up there. Saturday we ran the 5k in Smithfield and it went pretty well. We all did really well. My mother-in-law killed us all in time though. Nice, a woman in her late 40's totally destroyed her children that are more than half her age. She was AWESOME!! I am proud to say I smashed my last time by almost 10 minutes!! But trust me, its not saying much, this girl that was about 15-20 yards ahead of me the whole time stopped and walked probably 10 times and i STILL never caught up to her, thats how slow I am. But it was fun and I am glad I did it.
Yesterday we had Lucy's well check visit. Ty took her in since I was at work and I get a text that Lucy is still only a WHOPPING 18 lbs!!! WHAT!!! She hasnt gained an ounce in 3 months. I felt like the worst mom ever!!! She is the tiniest, skinniest baby and I feel like its all my fault. She is less than the 5th percentile, and that is also for her adjusted age of 13 months instead of 15 months. Nice. I swear on everything we feed our child. She is just so picky and she NEVER stops moving to boot. But seriously I feel HORRIBLE!!! So immediately after work I went to wally world (I hate the orem wal-mart btw!!!) and stocked up on pediasure, avacados, olives to add to our 3 jars of peanut butter and other high fat food to hopefully sneak some weight on this little munchkin. I hate that the nurse said just to feed her icecream, cookies, french fries and any other horrible food. Like I am really going to stuff my childs face with junk food all day. Seriously? And we wonder why there is a HUGE epidemic of obesity in our country. But one thing I could NOT find was full fat yogurt. All they had was low-fat. Does anyone know where to get full-fat kind? What brand? Anyway, in my goal to LOSE ten pounds I am determined for Lucy to GAIN 10 pounds. Ok maybe not 10 for Luce, I'll settle for 5. Heck, Ill even take 1!!!!
SharePoint PowerShell Restore Recycle Bin
7 years ago