Man oh man, where on EARTH has August gone?! We have been so busy with so many things it feels like I blinked and its over. We have had a wedding (with two receptions), St George, an impromptu drive to Gunnison, Lucy's 18 mo check up, family parties, friends moving, friend get togethers.... And the list goes on. Its been so much fun. I want to blog about it all, but that's the problem. I dont really want to. I have been dreading blogging because Im so far behind, and I dont want to take the time to upload pictures, blah blah blah. Plus there are other things that I want to blog about. There are just so many things!!!
First off, have to start with my baby-kins. Lucy that is. She is the big 1-8 months!! That means nursery!!!! It couldnt have come faster, i tell you what!! The first time, she just ran in there and didnt look back, like "see ya mom and dad, im outta here"!! But the last two times for some reason, she cries and hugs my legs and looks at me so sadly, like i am leaving her forever. I can just hear her say "dont you love me?" Its really sad, but i leave and she gets over it and is back to normal in no time. Other than that, she finally weighs a whopping 20.9 lbs now. Im proud. I thought she would never be over 20 lbs and look, she is basically 21!!! Everything is right on target. the Dr asked if she is saying at least 8 words, and well, she isnt. She is having trouble in the dept. They said if within a month, she still hasnt caught on, we have to call a specialist. Immediately I thought to myself. I am a horrible parent. how can i teach a person to live in this world and not even be able to teach her how to speak. I still feel bad. What did or didnt I do? Is it because i didnt nurse her very much? is it because she was early? is it because i didnt really take vitamins while pregnant? The funny thing is, is since the Dr said that, she is picking up words all the time. She now officially says momma and dadda, not just says them because thats the jibberish that happens to fall out of her mouth, but actually says them specifically for tyler and i. The other day she brought a book over to me and said "boo?" (as in book without the "k"). Its so funny she also started counting. she says "wah, two, hee" she is obsessed with that now. but lately its "wah, two, wah, two, wah, two" really fast. She is starting to do actions, like itsy bitsy spider and stuff. So im not so worried anymore, she is getting it.
In other news. Ty started back up at the ol BYU yesterday. I wanted to take a picture of him with his backpack on holding his lunch sack, but i forgot, you'll just have to picture it. But we are so excited and he is going to do great. We for sure have an internship at Dixie State next summer. We are SSSOOO excited about that. We love St George, and this is the exact direction Ty wants to go for a career, so we are so lucky and blessed with that.
Also this weekend we are doing the Man vs. Mud 5k in Logan. Are we ready, well the question is. am I ready? I havent ran in like a month. And let me tell you, im NOT one of those people who never run and then actually go running and whip out a 10-miler. Or like my bro-in-law Cam who is basically on the Wendy's diet (except super slim of course) and never goes running, yet seems to smash everyone else in a race. I dont get it. I am not one of those people. Ty seems to think this is going to be really hard. He runs like 4 days a week... Oh boy...
Sorry no pics this time. Im just to lazy. Mostly because i havent edited any, and it takes forever to upload... BUT tune in next time to read about Ty and I's latest fav's and craves. I love to blog about new things we have tried that are a huge hit. You'll get that in my next post. I know, your just exploding with anticipation
SharePoint PowerShell Restore Recycle Bin
7 years ago