So a couple of months ago I tried putting our video camera's SD card in our laptop to post a video. Low and behold it got stuck inside our computer. Like REALLY stuck, eventually ending up inside by and inch or so. I found out yesterday my hand-man husband got it out somehow and so I wanted to find it to get all the stuff that was on it. This was SO precious to me as it had everything on it from Lucy's first hours/days born and her first pictures, everything. We couldnt find it!!! It was no where to be found. I almost had a serious panick attack. We put our current SD card in and it just had stuff from the summer-current and nothing from when she was born. I was searching frantically to find the other SD card that got stuck and then unstuck. Then suddenly Ty put the current card in the computer AGAIN just to see if we over looked what was on it and all of a sudden they all popped up!!! MIRACLE!!! Here is just a little video for your enjoyment, I cant believe how little she was!
SharePoint PowerShell Restore Recycle Bin
6 years ago
1 comment:
SO glad you found the pictures! Lucy is darling!
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