So I am sitting here waiting for H&R Block to upload last years tax information and it is taking FOREVER!!! Holy smokes. I love/hate tax season. I only hate it because Im not sure if im the most qualified person to do our taxes, and because a few years ago we got HOSED and so now Im a little gun shy. Like everyone else, we are poor and would love a little cushion in our bank accounts. Can you hear the drumming of my fingers on the desk as I wait?
So this is a crazy week for us. My baby turns 2. I seriously cannot believe this. To think that I got pregnant in 2009 and it is already 2012 is absolutely mind boggling. Im not sure if I should cry because she is growing up so fast, or be happy that we have managed to keep a living thing alive for this long. I have debated and debated on whether to do a big party or not. I think this year we are going to forgo the party. Are we horrible parents? I just figure both our families are going to have to travel to get here and to stay for like an hour or two for someone who has no idea what is going on, I just decided next year will be better. But we are going to have a birthday cake and just celebrate at Sunday dinner. I will have to post pics of my latest creation on Sunday. I have something envisioned, lets just hope I can pull it off.
So I have a HORRIBLE case of spring fever today. I got an email that Carters is having a bogo sale so I was rummaging through all there adorable things online and I couldnt help but think of how Lucy would wear these things while living in St George this summer. And it made me think of how warm it will be and how we can wear sandals, shorts, and swimsuits. Awwww summer...
I just finished our taxes. Pretty good return. Not AS good as last year, but still pretty good. It will definitely help us over the summer since Ty's internship is unpaid and I wont have a job either.
Man just put Luce down for the night and all of a sudden this past week it is like pulling teeth to put her to bed. Nap or bedtime. I dont know what it is, but all of a sudden. She used to LOVE going to sleep and did so without a blink of an eye, but this week, screaming and trying to climb out of her crib and banging her picture frames against the wall. She is getting smart because she will pretend she needs something that is completely mandatory in order for her to go to bed just so we will let her out for a second. Stinker. I love that stinker though.
SharePoint PowerShell Restore Recycle Bin
6 years ago
I love reading your blog! Miss you!
I didn't know you were leaving work :( Are you coming back after the internship?
Sooooo interesting that Lucy is having a hard time to go to sleep lately. Scarlett is having the same issue, and it's just been about this last week or so! I hope it's a stage? She LOVES her sleep, I have never known/heard of a little one who walks to their crib and asks to be put in it so they can go to sleep. But she has been throwing a MAJOR fit each night before bed. I hate putting her to bed soooo sad. But within 30 seconds of shutting the door she is out. I hope this is just a stage...
Glad you got a bit of a return! Taxes always stress me out! Sorry about the sleeping problems. It always throws me when things are going so smoothly and then, BAM! Problem! I hope she gets over it. Have a wonderful time in St. George this summer! That sounds awesome!
Is she getting her two year old molars in?
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