Well, what an interesting day it has turned out to be! This morning I had my two week Dr appt and it turns out that my blood pressure is HIGH and I have quite a bit of protein in my urine (TMI, i know). So the Dr had me go straight to the hospital with the news that I could be a real life mommy by tomorrow!!! WWWHHHHAAAAATTTT!!! I am only 34 weeks, I cannot be having a baby right now! I am not ready, what about complications with the baby being early, what if there are complications with my health, what if, what if, what if!!!!! Talk about a scare and a half. I was in complete shock when they were explaining all this to me. I knew something wasnt quite right with myself, but then again, i have never been pregnant before, I thought feeling like crap was just part of the deal (which I think it is to a certain extent).
So here is the run down of what has been happening today and what may or may not happen by tomorrow. I got to the hospital and they put me on fetal monitors and a blood pressure cuff and they monitored me for a few hours. My blood pressure didnt really go down much so then we went in to have an ultrasound. That was cool and it was great news. The baby is doing great! WHEW!! There is plenty of fluid in there and everything has developed just fine. In fact it turns out that she is measuring a week ahead! So that is great news. She is approx 5 lbs 9 oz. And yes she is still a SHE ( i was kinda nervous about that). So everything with the baby looks great, so we couldnt be happier. But since my blood pressure didnt go down and there is even MORE protein in my urine (sorry, i know tmi) I have to stay over night here at the hospital for further testing. WOW I did not see this coming!!! So here is the run down, if my blood pressure gets over 160 or if there is over 5 (grams?) of protein in my urine after 24 hours, then SUPRISE we will be having our little baby tomorrow!!!! Again, WHAT!!!! But if I am stable and everything looks ok, then I just have to be on STRICT bedrest until I have her, and if thats the case (which it probably will be) then i have to go to the Dr twice a week to be monitored and have an ultrasound and more testing and if I actually get to 37 weeks (mind you, that is ONLY 3 weeks away) then they will induce me. So it looks like I am on maternity leave early, poor work, i haven't even trained the person who is taking care of my stuff while I am gone, I feel so bad! So ya, that is the jist of things. Pretty darn crazy. But I actually feel ok about it all, I was really scared in the beginning but I know things are going to be ok regardless of what happens. Keep us in your prayers!
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6 years ago
Jod! I just found out today that I have preeclampsia, too! I am in the EXACT same situation. How random is that? I'm heading to the hospital to be induced. How did be both get this at the same time?? Random! I hope everything is okay with you and your baby. I know it will be. Keep me posted!
Hang in there! The doctors know what they are doing and if you just put your trust in them and do what they tell you to do, you and your sweet baby are going to be great! An early congratulations and I hope everything works out for you! You're gonna be a momma....YAY!!!!!!
Oh my gosh! Jody! That sounds so incredible stressful and aaahhh!!! You can do this! You will be such a great mom, whether she comes tomorrow or in three weeks. I'll be praying for you guys!
Jodi you will do great! I work for an ob and this happens more than you think. They will take great care of you and your sweet baby girl! Good Luck! Hopefully you get to hangout and veg for a few more weeks!
You guys are definitely in our prayers. I hope everything turns out okay!!
I can't wait to meet that little girl of yours Jody! You're gonna be such a great mom! Woo hoo!
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