
The Best of the 00's

To those who have a job where they sit at a computer all day, spending most of their time rummaging through the internet in a quest to try and pass the long hours, you have probably noticed a trend. This is the time of the year when many of the most popular news sources like Newsweek, USA Today, and Time magazine put out their top ten lists. But since this is the end of the decade they have taken this holiday tradition to the next level. Nothing is spared as you can read the top ten lists about everything from movies, music, to worst political gaffes of the decade. Since I have to work these next two weeks with nothing really to do here at the library, I thought I would take the initiative and make some of my own top ten lists. Everyone who reads this should feel free to comment, contribute and even disagree with any of these lists because this is just the world according to Tyler.
As I've started to formulate some of these lists the first thing that jumps out at me is how much time I have on my hands, second how hard it is to narrow these things down! But don't worry loyal readers, I've pushed through the pain and with the help of my good friend Wikipedia, I have my first list.

The top ten films of the 00's
I should probably give some kind of reasoning to my madness but honestly I don't really know if I have any solid criteria. I think one of the things that makes a great movie is its re watchable value. Can you watch the same movie multiple times and still think its awesome. Also of these movies remind me of a certain time in my life that was fun or important I put them in. Some of these movies may not have won many awards but hey, this is my list and I can do whatever I want!
1. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Say what you want about the last two films in this trilogy but the first was the best! I remember seeing it my freshman year in the theater and then seeing it three more times once it came to the dollar theater. This movie is just plain fun, great acting, amazing actions scenes and one of the funniest scripts out there.
2. The Dark Knight (2008)
I think one of the best things about this movie was taking my cousin to see it about a week after he got home from his mission, needless to say I think he is still traumatized to this day! Its easy to dismiss this film as just another comic book movie but just like ogres it has layers. For me it talks about the post 9/11 world we live in and the difficult choices we have to make. Not to mention it has some of the best action scenes I have ever seen and through in Heath Ledgers Joker and you have a great movie.
3. Finding Neverland (2004)
I didn't seen this one until I got back from my mission but it was worth the wait. It was just a solid movie, from the story, cinematography, acting, I loved just everything about it.
4. Minority Report (2002)
The first film on the list from my favorite director, Steven Spielberg, Minority Report is another film you just can't think of as Sci Fi because there is so much more to it than that. Its like a modern day Raiders of the Lost Ark.
5. The Emperors New Groove (2001)
One of the lesser known Disney Cartoons but still hilarious and with a nice message at the end.
6. Hitch (2005)
Hitch is one of those movies that always seems to be TNT but you still watch it every time. In my opinion its the best chick flick of the decade, I mean it has the great Will Smith in it, what more do you need? Whenever I watch the part where Albert gets up the nerve to kiss Alegra and throws his inhaler away, I think of Cam, hamming it up in his Senior year video, priceless!
7. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)
Yes I know there are a few inappropriate parts but with clear play its all good!
8. The Incredible s (2004)
Can Pixar make a bad movie? I think not!
9. Gladiator (2000)
"Are you not Entertained!!!!"
10. Casino Royal (2006)
The best James Bond to date, this is one of my favorite movies because its the rare "guy flick" that Jody will actually watch with me.
10b. Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
How can anyone not love this movie. Boy meets girl, Boy gets sold into slavery, Boy loses girl, Boy finds girl and wins who wants to be a millionaire. Pretty good if you ask me.

Honorable Mention:
UP (2009) Balled like a baby during the first five minutes. Shrek 2 (2002) The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), Star Trek (2009) WALLE (2008) Bruce Almighty (2003), 3:10 to Yuma (2007) Avatar (2009)


The week of Thanks and Giving

Hello to one and all. I want to be better at this whole blog thing because my journal writing is pretty much not existent these days. It probably has something to do with the fact that you really don't write things out by hand anymore which has caused my hand writing to suffer greatly! (It wasn't anything to write home about before but I digress)
These past few weeks have been crazy. For the Thanksgiving Break which we both needed desperately, we headed to my parents house in Logan. Even though it is Logan, its nice to get out of Provo. On Tuesday night we went to a Utah State Basketball game, you know I'm trying. I'm trying to like Utah State but its tough. I should rephrase that or people are going to start comparing me to Max Hall. I like the School, I like the program. I always root for them except when they play BYU. But I'll be honest, some of their fans make it hard to root along side them. Most of the things they said would be a little bit to racy for this blog but lets just say they've taught me a few new words. Utah State won of course and its always fun to go to college basketball games.
On Wednesday we headed up to Bear Lake, or Beartrada as my sister likes to call our cabin up there. Bear Lake was a great place to spend holiday. It's beautiful especially in the mornings and it's not very crowded. Though it does have some disadvantages like not having anything open Thanksgiving Day when your wife is about ready to start burning small villages because her heartburn is so bad and you can't find a place open to buy Tums. Luckily I finally did find a place and a crisis was averted!
The next couple of days consisted of a lot of sleeping and tv watching. My Mom, sister and Jody are obsessed with the same TV shows (The Biggest Loser and So You think You can Dance) so we watched a lot those shows. I will admit the Biggest Loser is not the best show to watch during the holiday season. There you all getting ready to eat as much food as you possibly can and your watching these people bust their butts to get the weight off!!
Lets see what else did we do. We came back to the Logan the day after Thanksgiving, we needed to do some shopping and some other errands. We went shopping with my brother Bryce and our little niece Kaylee. It was good parenting practice because she is an active two year old. We went to the Logan mall and the thing she was most excited about was playing on the ice cream. They have this play area with huge ice creams cones/ other desserts that she was practically pulling off my arm to get to. Wow I almost forgot to mention my brother and his wife had a little baby girl the previous Monday! Her name is McKell Ann King, I think thats how you spell her name, I'll have to check on that.
Logan was great, on Saturday we planned the whole day around the BYU Utah game. Wow that was a great game, almost gave me a heart attack but still a great game!! We had to listen to the last five minutes in the car because we were headed back to Provo. I don't recomened listening to any game on the radio. Not being able to see the game is not fun!!! I made Jody drive because if we won or lost I might have driven us into a ditch!! As most of you know BYU won and all was right with the world.
Fast forward to this past Saturday and I found myself in enemy territory. I had to take the GRE. The only place in all of Utah I could take it was up on the University of Utah's campus, so I was a little nervous going up there because I have BYU license plates! But everything went according to plan, the GRE wasn't too bad. I'm above average for all the schools were applying to except for one, Arizona State, but I'm only off a few points off. It feels so good to have it be over, now I just need to get everything in by January 15. The final schools are UNLV, SDSU, Arizona State, U of Arizona and Texas Tech. Well thats about it, were just excited for Christmas!!


Becoming a........

This just in, breaking news on the King home front. This past Thursday we had the big appointment with the OBGYN. Its kind of funny the whole pregnancy thing, there are a few big moments before the baby actually comes. The first time you find out you're pregnant, when you start to show, and then when you find out what it is. Its a big day if not for the fact that you get to start calling them a he or a she and not an it. We have a great doctor, his office staff is awesome, the only problem is he doesn't have the biggest office in the world. You throw in a family with five kids under the age of 11, things can get a little hairy. This is the exact situation we found ourselves in as we walked in. As we sat down I looked over at Jody right when the kids started to overturn the furniture and thought, "Do we really want to have this thing?"
After another scolding look from my wife, it was our turn to go in. I have to give props to our doctor, he grabbed that ultrasound mouse thingy, whipped out the gel and started to go to town on Jody's belly. Pretty soon a blob appeared on screen, that's always the coolest things to see. This little baby just chilling out, relaxing all cool. The doc started to go through all of its body parts, making sure everything was in the right place, no extra toes coming out of their head or anything like that. Thankfully our baby is perfectly healthy. Once he was done he got the ultrasound machine ready to take pictures and said,"all right lets do this, lets find out what this thing is!"
I really don't know what to expect when we would find out. We both talked about how we really didn't care what we were having just that they were healthy. Also it was kind of strange to be staring at a video screen trying to see our babies unmentionables. But we finally got our baby to corporate and were having a little baby girl. Were pretty excited not just to be having a girl but now we can narrow down our names. I swear that's all we talk about but have no idea what we want to name her. So I will be adding a poll so you can vote for one of our favorite names (don't be shy to add in a few of your favs as well). We have some pictures from the doctor so here they are:



Hello Friends. Yes indeed it has been quite awhile since i have last posted. It is so aweful that i procrastinate so much because so much happens and then my posts are FOREVER long.

Anyway back to the purpose of my post. Ty and I are doing great! Ty is loving school although senior-itis has begun to set in for him. He is so good, I think i had senioritis when i was a freshman!! Good thing he wants to be in school for the rest of his working life, since he wants to be a professor. What a good man. All i can say is i PLEAD for our children to get most of his traits. He is so honest, he loves school, he is a great student, he doesnt have one mean bone in his body, he is just so mild mannered and easy to get along with. What a great person he is!!

Pregnancy life is pretty good. No complaints here. Well other then I get the most WICKED headaches. But its really cool now because I am starting to feel the baby move! I was thinking at around 14-15 weeks that maybe i could feel something fishy going on in there, but i was just never sure. But I am thinking for sure it is little baby movements. We are pretty excited to find out what we are having, we get to find out Nov. 5 so like 3 more weeks and we can start call "it", he or she!! I have a strong feel it is a girl, but who really knows. I am now 17 weeks along and I cant believe how fast it has gone. I am ALMOST half way through this pregnancy, ALREADY?!! I am really debating on if i should put a baby countdown thing on our blog. I think it is fun when i see other peoples blog and see how far along they are but i am afraid i will look at it everyday and it will drive me crazy to find just how much longer we actually have to go.

I guess I will post a few pics of my ever growing belly. I seriously dont think I should be THIS big already (esp since I saw mindy's pic of her preg belly today and she is TINY!, Not to mention that she is almost a month ahead of me) Anyway, here goes nothin.

This is around 9 weeks or so
I think this is at 11 weeks (I try to take pics every two weeks or so)

This is 13 weeks

This is at 15 weeks (already huge)And finally, this is today. 17 weeks along. Holy crap, I think I am having twins or something!!! I just hope it is starting to look like a pregnant belly instead of a beer belly (not that i drink). One day when i was about 14 weeks or so I was buying some maternity jeans at JC Penney and the cashier said "well you aren't pregnant are you?" And i said " ya, I am, Im not showing that much yet, im only 14 wks" she then replied "oh, you just look like you have gained weight". SHE SERIOUSLY SAID THAT!!! Honestly, in what senario would make that ok to say to someone? So hopefully, look like i am carrying something of value other than extra twinkies and dorito's some people may think is only in there!!


We three Kings

So from my last post if any of you were concerned for my health, everything is ok. I went to the Dr and they did confirm that IM PREGNANT!!! We have known just over a month, but yesterday was my first appt and we actually heard the heartbeat!! The Dr didnt think we would be able to because I am not that far enough along, but sure enough, it was there and suprised me and Tyler. Man I tell you, it puts everything into perspective when you actually KNOW there is someone growing inside of you, it wasn't just a figment of my imagination. So here is the run down:
I am currently 9 weeks along. That puts my due date March 30 (my good friend Kathryns b-day!). It seems like FOREVER away, but i hear the time goes by fast. I have been feeling great, a little tired and a little moody but not much nausea at all (THANK YOU HEAVENLY FATHER!!). I swear, that was my #1 worry about having a baby; it wasn't the possible hours of agonizing child birth, the eternities of comittment; the financial struggles; the fact that this child is SOLELY dependant on Tyler and I; no, it was the fact that I could struggle with morning sickness. I cant tell you the stress I had over that one. But hopefully I will miss it all together (I pray for it everyday) Other than that, things are great. We are really excited and nervous!!


much going on!!!

Well hello there. I dont know why everytime i start out my posts i feel the need to say hello, and then i procede to say how long its been since our last post and that i will try to do better. But today i shall just stat out by saying HELLO! Ha

Well much has taken place since Ty's post i do have to say! First off, i chopped my hair!!! Ok may not CHOPPED but i cut it to just below my chin exactly one month ago. I am so glad i did it. Now i just need to get a trim, it's grown probably an inch (i'm not even kidding) since then. Pretty exciting.
It seems as though we are gone every weekend. Our ward thinks we are inactive i think. We do feel bad about that, because we do have important responsibilities to fulfull. But the things we have been doing are:
Babysitting in Gunnison for a weekend
Bear Lake
Family BBQ's
4th of July fun
24th of July fun
Hanging out with friends and family
I swear there have been more things, but Ty isn't here for me to ask about them. Also we are still in the quest for grad schools, but we will be in that quest for quite some time. We still havent' really narrowed any down yet. Who knows!? But i do have to say Ty is a TROOPER. He studies for the G.R.E. EVERY SINGLE DAY. Today he told me "I am actually getting more questions right than i am wrong!" Which is a pretty big step since he hasn't taken that kind of math in like 6 years. I just love that kid!!! And i finally took the plunge and starting taking guitar lessons!!! I am very excited for this. I have been wanting to play for years, but i just dont have the gumption/talent to teach myself. It is SOOO nice because it is at Summerhays Music in Orem, which is like 1/2 block away from work and my lesson is at 5, so its basically on my way home, SO CONVENIENT!!!
As for now, i am going to post some pictures of our adventures. Oh ya, its been kinda weird lately. I have been feeling different. Lately a little queazy, headaches, moodiness and very tired! Strange! Hum, oh well

My cuty-patooty niece Lauren

The crew (Mandi and Chad were there too) at Jackson. And yes, Blake is wearing ONESIES

The beautiful and wonderous Teton mountains

Ty and I before our 1 1/2 mile hike around Jenny Lake, the hike sign LIED it was more like 5 1/2 miles!!!!

Our first little friend we ran in to. Well he is OUR friend but you can obviously see what he thinks of us!!

Our second friend we ran into, I have no idea what he is eating but he really was THAT close and didn't even flinch at us!!

Mine and Ty's future family vehicle


The Quest for Graduate School

Hello to one and all! I figure jody does a lot of the blogging in the family so I figured it was time that I start lifting my weight when it comes to that department. So the goal of this post is to let all those that care have an inside look into where, when, and the why of graduate school. It seems crazy but after six years of school and mission I will finally graduate from BYU this December.
Its pretty sad, this past weekend was new Student Orientation and is it me or do incoming freshman seem to get younger every year!?!? It was pretty funny, I was on campus today getting my hair cut and groups of freshman kept coming by the barbershop, just staring at me. It made me nervous because I didn't know if the lady was giving me a bad haircut or something! I started thinking and lets see these kids or 17 or 18 that means that when I was freshman way back in the Summer of 2003, they were 11 or 12 years old, that just was so crazy to me, but I digress from the purpose of this post.
It seems like for the past six months we've been looking at graduate schools, trying to figure out which one is the best for us. The game plan is to go on get the masters, then PHD and hopefully become an American History professor someday. To do that requires years of school, the exact number I really don't want to think about! After months of research and hours of searching on the Internet, I think we have finally narrowed it down to a few schools. At first we didn't really care where, as long it was some place cool and not Indiana ( I think I told Jody too many horror stories from the mission to convince her to move to Indiana!) Schools like George Mason in Virginia and the University of Florida in Gainsville both had the emphasis we needed but they were too expensive. Just to move out there would in the thousands of dollars range but maybe someday we'll have a huge move like that. We narrowed the group of schools to West/ Southwest so here it goes the positives and negatives of each school.
1. Arizona State University-Tempe
Positives: For one Phx is a great city with pretty nice weather if you don't mind the 115 degree days. It's a big school so it has the library size and rep you need to make it in the academic world. Since I went to High School there we would know a lot of people and we also have family there so that makes it nice.
Negative: Its pretty much over a 100 from may until October which can get pretty annoying.
2. Unviersity of Arizona:
Positive:They focus on Social and Cultural history which is what I want to do and its also a PAC 10 school so they would have everything I would need.
Negative: Tuscon is nice but I hear some parts our kind of ghetto and there's not much going on, so I hear. They also do a lot of with Western History and Mexican history which is cool but not really my thing.
3. San Diego State University
Postivie: Its freaking San Diego, what's not to like, we went there on our Honeymoon and we loved it. They also focus on Social and Cultural history which is great.
Negative: Its San Diego which means it would cost an arm and a leg to live there which means we would have to start selling black market kidneys or crack to survive.
4. The University of Utah
Positive: Its close, we wouldn't have to move very far, if we even moved at all, I think I would be tempted just to stay in Provo and take the bus the two times a week I would have class. They also have a professor who does sports history which is what I want to do when school is all said and done. And it would be cheap because we would get instate tutition.
Negative: Its Utah, I've spent my whole life bleeding Blue and it feels like it would be the ultimate betryal if we went to Utah. Also it would be kind of anti climatic to just move to SLC but you can't be choosey when it comes to grad school, if you get in you go!
5. Utah State
Positive: Again, its in Utah so its cheap and we might even just move in to my brothers condo when they move. They have a good history program with some solid professors and it wouldn't feel as bad as going to Utah when it comes to sports and rivalries even though they hate BYU with a passion.
Negative: Its Logan, not a whole lot going on. They also do more west and environmental history, i'm all about going green but it just sounds kind of boring.
6. Texas A&M
Postitive: Its a good school with tons of research materials, and from what I can tell College Station seems like a really nice town. Another positive thing is that the studnet body is a little more on the conservative side which is rare and would make grad school a little easier when it comes to picking topics to research.
Negative: I still don't know a whole lot about it and its pretty far away but Texas is awesome so it wouldn't be too bad.
7. University of Texas
Positive: Its ranked in the top 20 and its UT so it has major academic street cred. And I here Austin is a pretty sweet place to live.
Negative: I really have no chance of getting in, thanks to Stats and Nutrition 100 my GPA took a hit and I'm going to have to retake them this fall.
There are a few other schools were thinking about but they're still in the early stages of figuring out, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions just let us know!


I need some serious advice!!

Ok not REALLY searious, but something has been plaguing my brain for at least a year. You see, a woman is defined by so many things in her life, her personality, religion, her associations ect. ect. Those things are very important indeed. And the choices we make in life that involve those things previously spoken of gravely affect your life. These decisions i can make. The decision to marry Ty, was CAKE; the descision to have kids and when, easy peasy! Buts its these unimportant, trivial, non life changing decisions that rock me to the core!! It takes the waitress at least three trys to actually get our order! So here is my question to pose to you. WHAT THE CRAP DO I DO WITH MY HAIR!!! I have been wondering, short, long, medium? What color? I have had my natural color for a couple of years. Here are some pictures and I shall throw out here and it will be up to YOU America. This ever important choice is now on your shoulders...Dont do me wrong!


(p.s. i have had much shorter hair, but i couldnt find a pic)



Should I leave it brown? Add anything to it? Too hard!! I just.... can't... do it!!!!!


Whirl wind adventures

So i know, it has been a while and we have a TON to update about. So i will shortly get you all up to speed on our lives.
I turned the big 2-4 on April 10! Man I havent really ever thought about being 24 before, but here i am, livin' the dream. Ty was so cute. He fooled me in to thinking he wasnt going to do anything special for me and he ran off to work before i even woke up :( But then I walked into the bathroom and he wrote me a cute message on our huge mirror saying how much he loves me. Then I go into the kitchen and on the counter was a bouquet of tulips (my fav) and Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal (also one of my favs) and a Martha Stewart magazine. SO CUTE!!. Then I suprised him and came home early and found him baking me my favorite cake (german chocolate). And for Ty to be cooking... Lets just say, thats a BIG deal. It tasted wonderful. He also got me a new pair of jeans, a shirt and a wallet. It was a great birthday!!

Ty had finals finally!!! He did GREAT in his classes, i am so proud of him! Now he is working full time until the fall when he goes back to school.

We celebrated our 1 year anniversary on May 2. How grateful I am to be married to my best friend. I feel so happy to know that our relationship and our love for each other grows everyday. I could never imagine before I met Ty that I would ever feel this way. Words cant explain how much I love him!!

The same day we had our anniversary we took a road trip to Cali. Interesting things that took place on our trip:
  • We had to replace ALL 4 tires and alignment the day before costing us almost $600.00
  • On our drive down in the middle of NO WHERE we saw a random couple riding a dirt bike 100% BUCK NAKED!!!! (can you just imagine if they wrecked, OUCH!)
  • Our hotel was a smoking room, the AC didnt really work, there was a spider and a spider webs in our bathroom, the bedside lamps didnt work, if you touched the carpet with your bare skin, im pretty sure your skin would dissinegrate (however you spell that) and oh ya, did i mention we had two seperate beds?!!! What a romantic get-away huh
  • We went to tide pools at laguna beach. AWESOME!!!
  • We saw a heard (a pack, school, bunch, i.e.) of dolphins really close to the shore and a few times they actually JUMPED out of the water. WAY AWESOME!!!
  • Disneyland/Cali Adventure for 2 days
  • We left like 10 shirts at the scary hotel :( Luckily we called them and they actually shipped them to us really fast... Still smelled like smoke.

Fun times!!! Now we are back home. We did take our camera and i will post some pics soon of our vaca. As for now, TTFN!!


Ok so I believe i am the worst poster ever! Its been forever since our last post and I basically forced Ty to write it because I didnt want to. Oh well, I will get over it. Anyway not much has happened in our month of March (which by the way I cant believe its over). I basically go to work everyday and ty goes to school and work everyday. Pretty boring. However, just the other week we went to fabulous PHOENIX!!! I was super pumped because I have never been there. Ty used to live there so he knew what to expect. I loved it!!! Can I also say it was perfect weather too!! While it was snowing in Utah we got to enjoy shorts, sandals, sun, and palm trees. Of course I forgot my camera (pretty typical of me) so I will have to wait til we go to logan so I can snag them from my in-laws and post them. These are awesome things we did in AZ.

NCAA basketball Tourney: This was the main event for going to AZ in the first place. Only the guys went though, which i am ok with since I am not really invested in any teams playing. There were only 3 games this tme as apposed to last year when we went to Anaheim they saw 8.

Shopping, shopping, and more shopping: While the guys watched basketball the girls went and explored some awesome shopping centers. They have awesome stores once you get out of Utah. My mother in law spoiled me rotten because my birthday is coming up so for my present I picked out a bunch of MUCH needed spring/summer shirts (and an awesome purse). Thanks Catherine!!!! And my aunt bought me the best foundation in the whole world (Bare Minerals) because i love it and i didnt feel justified in spending almost $30 on powder when I have a husband to feed and bills to pay, so she literally forced me to the counter and bought it. I felt really bad because she DID NOT need to do that but also feel really greatful because i can literally see my face clearing up this second. Thanks Chris!! We went to Marshalls (which they dont have in Utah) and i found TONS of stuff for incredible prices, I didnt want to leave.

ASU: One of the places Ty is thinking about going to grad school is Arizona State so we went to the campus to look around and talk to some people in his depot. The people were so nice (except the front desk guy was little nuts) and the campus was huge. We deffinately liked it, so that was good.

So that was our great trip to Phoenix in a nutshell. Oh ya, something that Ty and I have recently started to do is try and exercise regularly and get ready for a 5K in May. I know what some of you are thinking "Jody, doing a 5K, hahahahaha!" But I really want to try it for some reason. However, I DO NOT run, ever, I hate it, i practically feel like i am going to die, literally, every time i run. So i am not sure how this is going to pan out, but at least I am making an effort (a small one) right?! So what we do every day to prepare (because its super crappy outside) is do my "Shape" ab video and then, get this, I have a "Dancing with the Stars" dance workout video, and yes, my awesome husband does the Cha Cha, Samba, Jive and Paso Doble with me every day (he is really embarassed I am telling you this by the way). He is so cute, a little uncoordinated, but cute non the less, and its really fun, plus I secretly think he likes shaking his boo-tay!!! Fun times!!


Good bye February

So today was a great day, the orgins of this epic day had their beginning last weekend after i had gotten home from work and Jody got that puppy dog look in her eye. I will admit its tough to resist. She said,"Ty....can we please go see Confessions of a Shopaholic please......". Now I will be the first to admit that I don't mind the occasional chick flick, but this movie I could tell was going to be rough. I was tired and homework to do so I said lets go next week. At this time this seemed like a great idea but I didn't realize the most important basketball game of the year was going to take place here in the land of Provo. BYU vs Utah, this game was for all of the bananas, the winner of this game has the best chance of going to the big dance in March and where I was going to be,watching Confessions. But I am pleased to report that we had a great day together and BYU won so brethren, answers to prayers do happen.

Jody and I are officially done with our honeymoon, we finally used the last of our gift cards we got from our wedding. The card was for the Cheesecake factory which neither of us had been to before so we were pretty excited about. Though I have to admit I was nervous because at first glance it all pretty much seemed like girly food but I found the burger menu and it all worked out in. Lunch was great I got a burger and Jody got fish tacos and they were awesome. Jody had a hard time believing that her fish tacos really were fish and my hamburger was so juicy about half way through I had to use my fork for the rest of the way through. By the end we were so full but we knew we had to have the cheesecake because you can't go to the Cheesecake Factory without getting cheesecake, that would be blasphemy. Oh yea side note, it was such a nice day outside, they had us eat outside! I never thought it would be so nice in February in Utah! For those that haven't eaten there they have like 453 million different types of cheesecake which makes choosing new easy task. Luckily our waitress helped us out and we got the Chocolate mousse, mountain o' chocolate...., I can't remember the name, but it was good!!

Thanks to Charlie we were able to use some free movie tickets at Jordan Commons, I have to admit I really like that theatre, the atmosphere, the seats, and how they let you eat real food during the movie. Today was a great day because we got there a half an hour ahead of time so we didn't have to sit in the front row. When we saw Australia, front row, James Bond, front row, Twilight, front row. Needless to say its nice to see a movie when you don't leave with a crink in your neck! Now to tell you about one of Jody's pet peeves, she doesn't have many but one of her main peeves is teenage girls. It seems every movie we go to we have to sit next to 10 screaming, texting, laughing, gum smacking 15 year olds. You can just see the range boiling up inside of her whenever they are in close proximety. But I digress, the movie was good, lots of clothes, lots of dancing and the obligatory scene in the movie where the guy realizes he made a mistake and runs to win her back. Overall not a bad show, it was just great to hang out with my best friend.

And Finally, IKEA
For those of you that no me, you know that shopping is not my thing. If I'm hungry I last maybe 20 minutes, and If I'm full maybe 25. Yes I know its lame. I've been preparing myself all day for this because Jody LOVES IKEA and I didn't want to whine and ruin it for her. I'm pleased to report that we found some great deals, got some ideas to spruce up our house and finally got curtains for our family room. I'm also pleased to report that I didn't whine for about 45 minutes, it was rough but sometimes you just have to man up and shop. All and all it was a great day, a little cheese cake, a little movie, and a little shopping.


Ok so Ty and I want to take a stab at this high school tag thing. We had completely different high school experiences and think its funny when we reminisce. He always says "do you think we would have been friends in high school". My answer, "Im sure we would have talked". Ha ha. So since i am writing the post my answers will be first and then Ty's will be second. Here goes...

High School Tag!
1. Did you date someone in high school? J: Nope, no one specific. T: No not really, but i am quite proud of going five for five at girls choice dances!
2. What kind of car did you drive? J: The JET!! It was a 1988 Jetta and it started on fire once, SO FUNNY! T: a 1986 Toyota Camery and 1987 Jeep Cherokee (high roller)
3. Did you pass your driver's license test the first time? Yes for the both of us
4. Were you a party animal? J: Nope, I did like to hang out with friends, but deffinately not a partier. T: NOPE!! Though we did go to sonic a lot after football games (what happens at Sonic stays at Sonic)
5. Were you considered a flirt? J: Um I'm not sure, maybe a little, but i have to go with Meg too, Nikki flirted enough for the three of us!! hehe T: haha NO. But i did ahve a lot of friends that were girls.
6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? J: Nope although I am kicking myself for not taking guitar. T: nope and proud of it!
7. Were you a nerd? J: No I was weird though, really quite around those i didnt know but really loud around those I did. And I was a descent student T: What does that even mean? Does it mean you are the president of the Dungeons and Dragons club, or that you went to class and actually did your homework? To the latter, yes.
8. Were you on any varsity teams? J: No, I played softball, of which I would get to play in varsity games but I wasnt that cool. Does Drill count? T: In order to sound much cooler, i am going to say yes, hockey in AZ, and Track in Logan.
9. Did you ever get suspended or expelled? J: Heck no, I never got in trouble T: Nope
11. Who were your favorite teachers? J: I would have to say Mr. Trythall in Art and Lauri, even though i HATED math T: I had to many to remember
12. Where did you sit at lunch? J: Just with my homies in the cafeteria and then in the commons after we ate T: In England, the freshman table, In AZ with my ward at our "special" table, In Logan just in the cafeteria
13. School mascot: J: Templar T: England-Lancer, Arizona-Mountain lion, Logan-Bobcat
14. School colors: J: Red, Black and White T: England-red and blue, AZ-burgandy and green, Logan- sky blue and yellow
15. Did you go to homecoming and who with? J: Yes, my junior and senior year and I cant remember who to save my life! Oh wait, its all coming back, I think Kevin Cox my Senior year and maybe Jake Dettinger my junior? Who knows T: Yes But cant remember who
16.If you could go back and do it again, would you? J: Heck no! Well, Only if it were to save my life, looking back, I made my high school experience crappy. T: NOPE. Maybe if i got to stay in one place.
17. What do you remember most about graduation? J:Sitting at Kade's house unfinished house with Meggan, Kade, Nikki, and Blake just staring at the stars. T: Just trying to stay awake as long as i could so people couldnt make fun of me for falling asleep
18. Where did you go on Senior Skip Day? J: Lagoon T: Lagoon and we both say LAME!!!
19. Were you in any clubs? J: Uh I dont think so T: Just the hockey club
20. Have you gained weight since then? J: I fluxuate, not really, I still wear clothes from high school! T: I weighed 125 lbs in high school, what do you think!!!?
21. Who was your prom date? J: Soph-Adam Blackham, Jun-Kyle Crouch, SR-I cant remember his name (im horrible!) T: Senior year, Elise Monson
22. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? J:I think so, I am sad I missed my 5 yr, I love catching up with people. T: Im not even on the invite list
23. Did you have a job while in high school? J: Yep Los Amigos my soph year and then Fat Jacks after that. T: Just one summer I was a lifeguard at Waterworld Safari
24. Worst class? J: Probably English? I dont really know T: Spanish junior year
25.Favorite Activity? J: Probably going to sports games. I was way into Drill and it was hard, not fun all the time, but one of the most influential things I have done. T: Playing hockey


A Little about Ty

Husband Tag
I thought this was a fun thing from Ash and Owens blog

1. Where did you meet your husband? Carriage Cove appartments
2. How long did you date before you got married? Engagement and all 7 months
3. How long have you been married? A little over 8 months
4. What does he do to surprise you? If i'm having a bad day, he will go and by me some chocolate and suprise me with it!!
5. What is your favorite feature of his? Physically, his perfect shaped lips, or his brown snow flake eyes
6.What is your favorite quality? He is a goose ball
7. Does he have a nickname for you? buddy
8. What is his favorite food? Well he is rather picky, but i would say any kind of man food like a big fat hamburger, or ribs
9. What is his favorite sport? College football or hockey
10. When and where did you first kiss? Well i pulled the move in his car after our second "official" date.
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Gosh we can sit and stare at the ceiling and it would be fun, i would say anything and everything, honestly!
12. Do you have children? Not yet...
13. Does he have any hidden talents? He is strangly good at random trivia nobody else knows, he is also a great writer.
14. How old is he? 23
15. Who said I love you first? He did.
16. What is his favorite music? He likes it all but rap
17. What do you admire most about him? He is so incredibly honest. He is deep down to the core a good person, he is just so good!!! I feel like a horrible criminal, mean, aweful person compared to him!!
18. What is his favorite color? Blue
19. Will he read this? You know it!!!


End to an interesting year

Hey all!!! Hope you all had as much fun as we did this Christmas and New Years!!! We had our friends Nikki and Blake, and Mandi and Chad over (we missed you Meg, Kade and Dejanae) on New Years Eve. It was fun, we made "Cafe Rio"ish burritos and played games and just talked, mostly laughed though. Also we are tiling our master bathroom this week. What a chore!!!! We are almost complete with our housing renovations, well at least for a little while anyway. Luckily Uncle Pete knows how to do all of these things so we dont have to hire out, and he can teach me how to do all of these awesome things for future reference. Thanks Peter!!! Well, I was reading through some friends blogs and they made a recap of the past year month by month and I thought it was a great idea. So I shall copy them...
Watching Cam play hockey, surviving my final semester at UVU (yes i know it is the first month of the semester), and planning a wedding were was my month of January. Ty was recovering from his tonsilectomy and finally feeling better from months of agony. I felt bad for the poor fellow!! Ty was also in school and working part time.
Valentines day came and Ty was so sweet!!! His grandparents were out of town for a few weeks and we went to there house that night (finally, we had a moment to ourselves!). He made me dinner, sprinkled rose petals on the floor and gave me tickets to the Rascal Flatts concert!!!! I was so excited I almost cried!!!
We went to the rascal flatts concert. It basically rocked my world but Ty wasn't to thrilled. He isn't a concert lover. We also went to California this month with Ty's fam. The boys got tickets to March Madness in Anaheim and us girls went to DISNEYLAND!!! Oh it was the perfect Easter vacation from school and everyday life.
This month was a BUSY month!! This was the month for crunch time on finalizing wedding plans, finishing (FINALLY) from school and moving into my first home with a man!! Well i guess i was the only one living at our condo at the end of April, but we had both of our stuff moved in. This month I also went through the temple. It was such a beautiful day!!! Let me just tell you, the Timp Temple is spectacualr!!! I finally made it to the temple, what a great day. I have never felt more at peace, comforted, and happy until this day came. Ty and I finished our legacies at our current jobs, HOORAY!!! I had something lined up with interior design and Ty was going to be a tour guide at BYU.
Wedding bells were ringing!!! We were finally married on May 2 in the Salt lake temple. What a perfect day. The day before it had snowed 2 inches in Salt Lake, but it had all melted and skys were insanely blue and BEAUTIFUL!!! Man i tell you, everything was picture perfect. I was finally with my best friend for ETERNITY!!!! We celebrated by going to So. Cal for a week. We stayed in Carlsbad, right on the beach mind you. We loved every second of it!!! unforunately it had to end and we had to come back to our messy and unpacked condo. But it was still great. We also had the entire month to chill because BOTH of our jobs fell through. A whole month of unemployment, how did we financially make it, we still wonder. So technically we had a whole month of a honeymoon.
We finally got jobs and our "honeymoon" sadly ended.
What a month... My dad was campaigning for county commisioner and lucky us we were nominated to ride in parades for him, throwing candy to the little ones. A few weeks later we were awoken in the middle of the night one night (why is it always in the middle of the night) with my mom crying telling me my sister Holly passed away. It was so surreal, and so suprising. No one expected such a tragedy to happen. But man, how loving and supporting people were. I couldn't believe the love people had for my family.
This month Ty turned the big 23 and I suprised him with a weekend getaway to Park City. It was so relaxing and perfect. We went shopping, rode the alpine slide/coaster, and enjoyed the awesome beauty of one of my favorite places which is Park City. We also went to Jackson Hole with Ty's family. It was my first time in Wyoming. It was so awesome and we saw a BEAR to boot!!! I seem to attract those deadly creatures for some reason.
Ty started school. Boring month. Except my bouts of sickness started this month.
Halloween. We re-done our kitchen and guest bathroom. What a chore, but I loved it!!! More sickness...
Still sick... Thanksgiving in E-town. School getting crazy for Ty.
Still sick... My first surgery. Christmas shopping and decorating (my favorite part!!) Ty finishes yet another semester at the BYU. Tiling our master bathroom. And finally, spending our second Christmas together where all our hopes and dreams came true.

What a year. I would say a bittersweet one. But I am sure glad I spent it with Ty. I cant even imagine what it would be like without him. One thing I learned is that even though things good or bad happen, life goes on. Thats why we need to cherish everyday, not to regret the past, or be afraid of the future, today is the one that counts.